You have to be able not only to solve problems Company email list, but also to anticipate them, that is, to develop that intuition that makes you see that there is going to be a certain problem soon, and you can do something so that it does not happen or to do something when it does happen. be much lighter. In the end, this is also learned through experience, there is no course to help you identify problems, there is no manual, I wish I had one, but in the end experience gives you a bit of this vision, this intuition, to know how you have what to act USE YOUR OWN MEDIA The second lesson is to do it with your own means, especially at the beginning Company email list.
Here I know that there are different Company email list opinions, but I have to tell you that all the companies that I have started have done it in their own way, that is, with their own resources , I mean financial, material, time, knowledge and effort resources. I can say that today none of the businesses that I have set up directly have had external investment , this is important to me, when you want your business to grow with investors, in the end, over time, you have become so diluted that when the company is large, and even sells, your percentage is so small that what you receive from that sale is minimal. Of what I am telling you, there are many cases, they are not counted as much, but there are numerous cases of founders who Company email list.
After I don't know how many years, have managed to sell their companies for a lot of money, but in the end, the money they have received is very little, because throughout that time we have been diluted by the new investors who have been entering and putting more money. In the end you get smaller, so for me, when you set up a business you have to make many economic, financial and time sacrifices. The first business that I set up when I was 24 years old did not have the economic resources to do it, at 24 I did not have any kind of economic resources to start a business, I worked, but my work gave me a living, but not to invest in a business Company email list.