If you have an Instagram account, you have probably noticed that you can download other people's pictures and videos. Insta DP Download is a free app that allows you to do just that. When you download a picture or video, you can then view it whenever you have a connection. This way, you can see who is following you and see if you have anything in common.
However, there are disadvantages to using InstaDP. You need to be cautious about what other people can see on your account. For one, your profile picture is extremely small. Also, if you choose a private account, it is difficult to find people that follow you. This is because private accounts are limited in the information that they share, and their profile picture only gives you a brief introduction. But with InstaDP, you can download a profile picture for everyone to see.
Another great advantage of using InstaDP is that it lets you download the full-size profile pictures of the people you follow. It also allows you to share these pictures with others. The app works on both public and private Instagram accounts. To download the pictures, you simply type in the person's username and click on the download button.
The app also allows you to download photos and videos from Instagram. It allows you to browse through the pictures without having to sign in. The app is available on Google Play and can be used to view and download pictures.